The Love without Fear campaign features a series of written articles, a self-titled mini-documentary and four (4) Public Service Announcements (PSAs). The PSAs are each sixty (60) seconds long and each one portrays a unique theme: Importance of Testing, Love your neighbour, Love faithfully and Respect Diversity. The documentary examines common myths and misconceptions Most-At-Risk-Populations (MARPs) have about HIV and AIDS, and the challenges health care officials face when serving this demographic. We are very excited to share these productions with you and our community.
Love without Fear is an ongoing anti-stigma and non-discrimination campaign that capitalizes on the effectiveness of social marketing as a tool in behavioral change communication. In 2012, the project was brought to life through a grant awarded by the Caribbean HIV and AIDS Alliance (CHAA) to undertake activities in alignment with its Eastern Caribbean Community Action Project (EC-CAP II).
The overarching goal of our campaign is to create a familiar name and image that will attract viewers and spark much needed dialogue on STI & HIV prevention education, stigma and discrimination as it affects the daily lives of Persons Living with HIV, and the vulnerabilities of other MARPs. Topics often shied away from as too taboo for center stage.
Not only are the PSAs and mini-documentary meant for public viewing, it is also our hope that they can be used as a tool by key-stakeholders in the design and implementation of their programmes and activities with MARPs.
As UNAIDS embarks on its ambitious treatment target to help end the AIDS epidemic by 2020 government ministries, stakeholders and grassroots organizations (like GrenCHAP) are challenged to explore innovative approaches to achieving the newly set targets, which is 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy, and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.