Moving towards Zero discrimination
I often reflect on the impact that stigma and discrimination have on the lives of people around me. But as 1 March approaches, I find myself thinking about how I can join the rest of the world in celebrating Zero Discrimination Day.
GrenCHAP Celebrates Zero Discrimination Day
GrenCHAP is celebrating UNAIDS Zero Discrimination Day on Tuesday, 1 March 2016. We encourage Grenadians to stand in solidarity with victims of discrimination worldwide by making a social media post using the hashtags #ZeroDiscrimination #GrenCHAP.
The Right to Live and Love Without Fear of Discrimination
What is it to love without fear? How does it feel to love without prejudice? The sad and unfortunate reality is that many LGBT persons living in Grenada have no idea what this feels like
GrenAIDS Year in Review
“HIV is a disease with stigma and we have learned with experience, not just with HIV and AIDS but with other diseases, countries for many reasons are sometimes hesitant to admit they have a problem”
– Margaret Chan